Focus on Features
A resource for regulators and product managers to minimize digital harms
A platform for anyone to make gorgeous art
Custom Board Games
Themed gifts for friends and family
Laser Cut Puzzles
Writing algorithms for good jigsaw puzzles, and making them real on laser cutters
Advice for new SWEs
My recommendations for folks starting (or considering) a career as a software engineer
Binding Beauty of Chores
Technological erosion of small service
Wingspan Deck Generation
Learn about the birds in your local area through a game
Why _Florida v. Harris_ should be the minimum bar for surveillance
VOAT - Interactive
Learn CSS while generating creative patterns
Raison d'ĂȘtre: le chien
My search for (and approximate answer to) the big questions
WidmanstÀtten pattern
Meteorites are beautiful - I learned some chemistry
Give me a straightedge and a compass...
Algorithmically generated art inspired by Janelle Monae's Metropolis Suite
Terry v. Ohio + Aggregated Infringement
Case level analysis sometimes cannot arrive at agreeable precedent.
Senior Thesis
Senior thesis on the graph isomorphism (GI) problem
Shoe Rack
A simple and fun shoe rack that fits exactly 3x4 pairs of shoes
Thoughts on how Josh Lauer's book "Creditworthy" can help us renegotiate the surveillance social contract.
Shoe Rack 2
A shoe rack made as a gift - that had to fit in a suitcase
Thoughts on how privacy and identity are related.
A beautiful algorithm for playing Bananagrams
Recursive annotations as a counter-proposal to the comment thread
Civil Grand Jury
San Francisco's Civil Grand Jury
A course aid for mathematics based on a taxonomy of learning
a visual post-hoc logger for golang
Student Union (In Line)
A multi-owner distributed WYSIWYG editor with CDN hosting
Modifying attractor parameters via a parameter space orbit
Go-Links for everybody
Interactive pair programming webapp for a class of 200+ students
Variations on a Theme (Elgar) meets a classic by Frank Stella
Draw Me CSS
Simple framework for making websites that magically appear
GradyDocs - a shittier version of Google Docs
Dumb databases make for good prototypes
3-SAT decomposition
Using exponential space to perform 3-SAT calculations in polynomial time
Personal Website V3
The site you find yourself on right now
Personal Website V2
The deprecated version of my personal portfolio
Personal Website V1
The very deprecated version of my personal portfolio
Invertible enumeration of the set of possible Binary Trees
Birth Certificate Scraping
Scraping data from birth certificates between 1900 and 1950 for an Economics paper.
AI Science Test
Basic Tensorflow model predicting results of 8th grade science test
Something that is more than the sum of its parts can be reduced back to it.
Ward Lab
An academic profile for my father's lab work
WSMD - What should Maddie Do?
A sprint-written tool for the indecisive
a command line tool for opinionated management of cloud resources
Zina Ward Website
My sister's professional profile
Kerry Chase Website
A basic website for a politics professor